Friday 24 June 2016

PRELIMINARY Final plot idea

At the beginning of our narrative music video a boy and girl meet in the school café in the queue where the girl knocks over her drink and the boy helps her clean it up, the drink will fall in slow motion to empathises the importance of them meeting and how time has stopped as they notice each other and feel a connection instantly. The couple then go on a series of dates and everything is looking good. They then go for dates on walks such as by the river and in the woods. Also, we will use a split screen to show the male and female individually sitting at home on their phones texting each other and looking really happy and smiley at their phone. Next time the couple see each other they're on a walk through town holding hands and they walk under a ladder, after that everything spirals down hill. Their relationship goes wrong and there's lots of argue and shouting, here we will focuses greatly on their body language and capturing the couples facial expressions that show their emotion. Then everything rewinds backwards, all the way back to where they first met at the café at the end when the lyrics say "baby if you could would you go back to the start".

This plot fits with our stimuli of walking under the ladder brings you bad luck, as everything is lovely and happy and they're in love and then they walk under the ladder and everything goes wrong with the relationship as it falls apart - which is the bad luck.

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