Friday 24 June 2016

PRELIMINARY Location ideas and final locations

We plan on using a range of locations for our music video. To start with the video will show the boy and girl meeting in a café when the girl knocks over her coffee and he helps her clear it up. They then go on a range of other dates such as walk along the river Tiffey and a date to the courtyard café in Wymondham and we will show a split screen of the couple texting from their homes in their bedrooms. We have chosen to pick locations that are all in Wymondham as it makes it easier to organise days with the actors, ts alsp less expensive and time consuming. In town the couple will walk under a ladder that's lent up along a wall (which brings them bad luck). After this we will show them argue at different places e.g. on a walk in Wymondham and in a house.

If we use the Courtyard Café in Wymondham we would have to get permission from the cafe owners to film, all other places are outside in public areas so its easier to film as we don't need permission.

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