Sunday 8 January 2017

Location research

Here are photos of some location ideas around Wymondham where we could film. Our idea at the moment  has some places where the character is walking alone, so we looked at some walking routes and scenic places in Wymondham we could potentially use.

Attleborough - 

Here are some other options for places we will film. We are undecided whether to film in Attleborough or Wymondham or a combination of both.

I have considered weather conditions preferably we want to film on bright days so that the paint seems more bright and visible, however even if it is a rainy day I think it would emphasis the dullness of actors lives as they walk down the roads, the rain could symbolise the issues raining down on them all the time. However 50% of the music video will be filmed inside a house and inside so even if the weather it really bad and we are unable to film we can film the outside parts on separate days when the whether is nicer. Also, for the end scene where Callum and Charlie are walking down the road we would like it to be sunny to represent the happiness and fresh start of their lives. 

We have emailed a few pubs in Wymondham to ask for their permission to film in their pubs and to film from behind their bar so hopefully one will get back to us giving us permission, if not we will have to rethink our idea slightly. 

We have chosen to film in Wymondham and Attleborough as both our actors have easy access to these locations such as a bus or walking as Callum, Charlie, Olivia, Molly all live around these areas. 

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