Monday 30 January 2017

Filming review

Filming location one: Charlie's part (All filmed in one day)

1. What worked well? 

Charlie was a really good actor and took his role seriously, he also came up with his own acting ideas what he thought would work well what was very useful, such as Charlie came up with the idea to get in the bath and make it look like as the shower run the pink paint was coming off of him.  

2. What didn't work so well?

One of the locations was supposed to be Charlie in his bedroom as he wakes up and gets dressed, however as we filmed in my house the only boys bedroom w  could use was my eight year old brothers therefore it looked very unrealistic that was a eighteen year old's bedroom.  

3. Anything that could be re filmed? 

Once watching the footage back I realised there was quite a lot of shots that were filmed where you could see other peoples feet in the background as well shots where you could see the paint tub in the background which makes it look really unrealistic. 

4. Did everything run smoothly? 

Other than what was mentioned above everything ran very smoothly, despite the fact paint got everywhere and my mum wasn't too pleased. 

5. Did you use your storyboards to good effect? 

We didn't really us the storyboard as it wasn't in great detail, however the script we used to good use as it was in good detail and outlined the basic idea, including what shots to use.

Filming location two: My acting part (filmed at Olivia Wilkinson's all in one day) 

1. What worked well? 

It was good because the weather on this day was the same as the weather on the day of filming charlies part so it looked realistic that both scenes were happening at the same time in different locations. 

2. What didn't work as well? 

I was only used as an actor because it was convenient, however I didn't feel very comfortable around the camera and from looking back at the footage I think it was evident. 

3. Anything that needs to be re filmed?  

There is nothing that particularly needs to be re filmed, however there could be more close us shots of my facial expressions to show I am getting angry and frustrated. 

4. Any ideas you got as you went along? 

Most of this idea was made up there and then as it was quite last minute that I was going to be acting. 

5. Did you use your storyboards? 

No we did not use the storyboard created, instead we discussed as we went along and came up with ideas.

Filming the running shots around town and shooting the time lapses;

1. What worked well? 

Yet again the weather was the same so it looked realistic how the actors went from running out the house to running in the town despite it actually being on different days. 

2. What didn't work as well?

It was really cold and I was in a vest top so it was freezing, therefore we had to film quickly and we couldn't re film some of the extra stuff was wanted to because it was just so cold. 

3. Did everything run smoothly? 

Like mentioned above it was cold and as everything was filmed outside it woulds be hard to re film some parts without the weather being the same.

4. Any changes you are making? 

I think we have all the right footage, however we will see when we start making the video. 

5. Any ideas you got as you went along? 

We had the basic ideas of running through town and the time lapses in town however the decided the exact locations to film this when we got to town and had a look aorund. The part the end where the camera spins aorund me and Charlie was an idea Liv came up with on the day. 

6. Did you use your storyboard?

We knew what we wanted to achieve so we didn't need to use our storyboards. 

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