Sunday 1 January 2017

Initial plot synthesis

Our initial idea was to create a music video to a very upbeat, summer song that you would expect to hear on a beach based holiday. As a result of this Molly decided to film a lot of our footage in the previous summer break when she was on holiday in Cape Verde. The footage that she had mainly consisted of idyllic, peaceful beaches, as well as several shots of the African cultures that existed around the island. As a group we decided that we would incorporate these shots with a narrative storyline of a young adult in this country dreaming about going on holiday to this relaxing island. We would show contrasts of where they were now and where they wanted to be and the differences between the two locations.

Towards the end of the AS year myself, Olivia and Molly were all very keen to do an upbeat summer video and so we decided that we would work together to make this idea a reality. When we returned to school following the break Molly showed the us the footage that she had taken and we were happy that we could make the footage work and so we continued with the idea of making the summer video.

As a group we liked the majority of this idea however we were a little concerned as to whether we would be able to make the contrasts between the two locations link in some sort of way as we wanted there to be continuity throughout the video. In particular, we loved the summer footage of the African cultures as we felt that it was something you would expect to see in a music video to a very summery song. We were also excited about the idea of getting the young adult character to 'drift off' and start thinking about the more exotic location as we felt that this was something unique that isn't regularly portrayed in music videos.

Below is some pictures of the scenes of the footage filmed in Cape Verde:



However, after much deliberation and thought we later decided that although the summer idea was a good one that we all liked, we began to feel as though there was little meaning to the idea and that it would soon become just a montage of footage without an underlying storyline which we all were keen to have. As a result of this we decided to change our idea to represent a much deeper and meaningful storyline about a young man who is suffering from depression and feels as though everyone is against him. As soon as he starts to share his depression with other people he realises that he isn't as isolated as he first thought.

Here's a picture of some of the ideas we wrote down during our discussion:

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