Monday 30 January 2017

Ancillary task construction

The conventions of DigiPak's:

A digi pak is a patented style of CD or DVD packaging.

  • They normally have a gate fold like a book 
  • The outer packaging is made of card/paper and the inner packaging is made of plastic
  • They are normally used on special editions and albums 
  • More vulnerable and likely to wear than average cases
  • They became popular with artists and record labels in the early 2000s
The front:

  • The front of DigiPaks tend to have a large eye-catching picture on them 
  • The picture illustrated o the front panels tend to have some relation to the songs or the artist
  • The song/album title is also found on the front panel
The back: 

  • the back usually includes: the track list, album artwork, record label, artist name, bar code, and extra information
The inside:

  •  Inside the of Digi Pak's you can find the plastic holder for the actual CD itself. A lot of plastic holders nowadays are see-through with another piece of album artwork behind which goes with the rest of the packaging.
DigiPaks come in so many different styles and designs, like shown below. 

Conventions for an album poster: 

Poster conventions in general include,,, 

  • Coming soon or release date
  • Icons of social media etc 
  • A large title of the album
  • A hashtag

Our ideas:

The two posters above are brief drawings of the two ideas we had in mind for our Fix You poster. 
  • The first picture - The idea here is to print out lots of plain white t shirts, cut and stick on a piece of card so they they overlap each other, then splatter pain all over the t shirts but cover up certain parts of the t shirts so that they don't get paint on, and once pealed of will say 'Fix You' 'Cold Play'. This idea link with our music video as the main idea on the music video is that the characters wear plan white t shirts with paint on, and the paint represents the depression affecting the charters.
  • The second picture - This poster shows a noose tied  to a tree with a plain white t-shit danging from it. We thought of using a plain white t shirt rather than a colourful one as we wanted to show that from the public's point of view you cannot see the depression an individual may be feeling and from the outside they look as though they are functioning normally, despite the fact they're dying inside.
Our final Decision and why:
  • After a group discussion we decided to go with poster one. We felt that the second image was maybe a bit too dark and morbid for our music video as we were trying to focus on the happy parts of the music video such as at the end when Charlie and Annabel meet and the depression decreases. Like in the music video we wanted to show that mental health issues can be helped and seem like less of an issue over time rather than resulting in a form of suicide. 

The images above are a rough template of what we want our digipak to look like. The idea for our digipak is to have it mainly plain white with nothing but the a few paint splatters and the album title and the song names on the back. The idea of having it white is so the person who has purchased the album can colour the album in themselves however their heart desires. We thought this was a cool idea as art such as colouring is often used as a form of therapy for mental health issues such as depression. 

Images taken whilst making the poster: 

Above are images I have taken during the construction of our poster. He you can see what use paint brushes to flick the paint onto the tshirts, The final picture was taken just after the poster had dried and we had taken of the black letters that covered up the words 'Fix you' and 'Cold Play'.

I then took a picture of the the cardboard and uploaded the picture to Photoshop where I cropped out all the grey background, used a brightening affect to make the paint stand out and I also added added some text and images to the poster. 

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